Current procedure for becoming a Registered Examiner (RE) for Maritime Radio or a Recognized Provider for the PCOC
- Applicants will contact the National Office to obtain an application form.
- Applicants will complete the form and return it to the National Office with the required documentation.
- Please Note that Recognized Provider (RP) applications should, when possible, be sent by the applicant direct to their local Squadron and District for review and sign off before the completed application is forwarded to the National Office.
- Staff at the National Office will review the application to determine if it is complete. If it is not complete staff will contact the applicant for the required information
- Once completed the application will be forwarded to the appropriate Squadron and District Commanders. The Squadron and District Commanders have 20 calendar days to express any concerns that they would like the National Office to be aware of and review before processing the application.
- Once all concerns from the District or Squadron have been resolved, the National Office will issue the contract to the applicant for signature
- Once the applicant signs and returns the contract, the Squadron and District will be notified
- The contract shall be valid for four (4) years.
Any questions or concerns with the above procedure please contact CanBoat / Nautisavoir National Office.
Procedure for the renewal of a Registered Examiner (RE) for Maritime Radio or Recognized Provider (RP) for the PCOC
- In September of each year, a notice will be emailed from the National Office to Squadron Commanders, copy to District Commanders, asking them to review their Squadron Recognized Examiner (RE) and Recognized Provider (RP) list to see which REs and RPs active status is up for renewal by the end of the calendar year.
- They will have 20 calendar days to express any concerns that they would like the National Office to be aware of and review before sending out renewal agreements to the REs and RPs due to renew their status.
- In November, new RE and RP Agreements will be emailed (or mailed) to the REs and RPs whose status is about to expire. They will have to sign their agreements and return to the National Office no later than the end of the calendar year with any required documentation and the payment of the noted processing fee required of non CanBoat / NautiSavoir active members.
- In mid-January, a reminder will be sent to all those who failed to return their signed agreement or to pay for processing fees. They will have two weeks to submit the required signed agreement and/or fee after which time they will be declared inactive if nothing is received.
- Once the RE or RP signs and returns the contract, the Squadron and District will be notified.
- The contract shall be valid for four (4) years.
- The National Office will enter the revised RE information in the CanBoat / NautiSavoir RE or RP data base and continue to provide the required support and materials.
- If renewal agreements are not returned within one calendar year the RE or RP will have to re-apply to become a RE or RP.
- Inactive files will be kept for a period of five years after which time they will be destroyed and names removed from the data base.
Any questions or concerns with the above procedure please contact CanBoat / Nautisavoir National Office.